Do I stay with you?
No. We will assist you in choosing optimal lodging for your specific needs.Can I bring a friend or family member?
Yes. Although, we will discuss ahead of time what may best support the results you are looking for in your Intensive. Some people find they work best when they know they will be with someone during their free time. Others find it beneficial to have alone time in the mornings and evenings for contemplation, as well as to create new daily habits.What if I feel too anxious to stay on my own?
We will discuss ahead of time whether it may be more beneficial for you to have someone with you or come alone. An Intensive can give you an opportunity to practice being on your own with daily support and strategies for managing your anxiety. Many Maui Intensive participants were surprised and pleased to shift the experience of anxiety and overcome their fear of being alone. On the other hand, for some people, they do better to have company during their down time on Maui. We will help guide this personal choice.Do I have to rent a car?
You will either need to rent a car or hire a driver to get to sessions and about the island.What happens after the Intensive?
We will prepare a plan for your "re-entry" as we call it. Most people will have a therapist back home who we consult with for continuity of care. Some clients do phone or video follow up sessions with us for a short time period. We are always available via text and email. Most importantly, you will know before you leave what to expect and have options in place for ongoing support.Can I bring a computer, instrument, etc.?
Yes. We encourage you to bring what is important in your life. During your Maui Intensive, you will have free time to practice balanced living while exploring the use of items that are sometimes a healthy distraction, sometimes a necessity, and sometimes lead us down a non-beneficial path.Can I drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes?
We encourage you to not use substances while you are on Maui. However, the choice is yours. We encourage honest sharing with us for your own growth and awareness. You will never be shamed, judged, or lectured.. If you smoke, we will ask that you do not smoke on the way to or during sessions. This is due to our own sensitivities to second hand smoke. It is our experience that Maui Intensive participants benefit greatly by taking a break from non-prescribed substances and activities that may be addictive or diminishing their life in some way.Can you help me lose weight?
Yes. Discussion about healthy lifestyle and nutrition are an added bonus for anyone choosing to do a Maui Intensive. Discovering the “right” diet is an individual process and requires experimentation along with experienced and educated guidance. During a Maui Intensive you will have the support of a master’s level nutritionist to help clear the confusion and mystery of the borage of complicated and contradictory nutritional information available. Specific diets will not be prescribed; rather, you will be asked questions that help you discover optimal personal choices.How do I know what I tell you will stay private?
We report to no one and we do not keep records. In addition, we clear with each individual in advance what is OK or Not OK to say to a family member. Finally, we have worked with many individuals who are in the public eye, are well known, or need privacy for some other reason; thus, we are very practiced at confidentiality.
“Self-inquiry allows you access to the wisdom that already exists within you. It gives you the opportunity to realize the truth for yourself.”