Maui Intensives
A Bespoke Wellness Experience
What is a Maui Intensive?
One person, couple, family, or group reserving a week at a time for private consultation with Rae and Judy on the island of Maui. Intensives are customized according to personal needs, wishes, and requests. The magic of an Intensive is being away from the everyday stressors of life to enter your personal flow where transformation can occur.
Concentrated time together during a Maui Intensive creates an exponential effect allowing for substantial progress in a short period of time.
Each client’s process and structure is unique. At Maui Intensives, YOU are the program. There are no groups, nor pre-determined curriculums. Rae and Judy weave together therapeutic tools and techniques eclectically to quickly address the core of your presenting issue. They are non-judging, solution focused, and client-centered creating a relaxed, supportive environment. You are equipped to go home and continue your progress.
Delivered with Ease
Your only point of contact is Rae and Judy. They will personally respond to your email and set up a time to talk. Significant expertise is delivered in the first phone call. Throughout this initial connection, it will become clear for you if a Maui Intensive is the best next step in your process. Rae is excellent at assessing if Maui Intensives is the right fit for you; if not, she will help direct you using their worldwide network. If Maui Intensives is right for you, your journey of healing has already begun with your first connection. No need to tell your story again and again. What is most important is for the first discussion to be comfortable and put you at ease providing you clarity and sense of relief.
Thoughtfully Designed
An Intensive most often begins on a Monday or Thursday with Wednesdays and Sundays off for rest, integration, and play. You will meet with Rae and Judy each day, finishing the session when you feel complete. Removing the constraint of time allows for a natural flow to experience your own rhythm of deep exploration where obstacles become defined and solutions emerge efficiently. Each day’s structure is custom designed from the previous day’s outcome. Time away from sessions is very important, as it offers room to be with yourself, reflect, and notice what arises. While on Maui new routines for health and balance are often established.
Customized Support
Many people enjoy their unstructured free time on Maui. However, some request more support. In this case, attention will be given to your personal needs. Often adjunct therapeutic activities and modalities such as art therapy, yoga, Pilates, acupuncture, Shiatsu, hiking, ocean kayaking, or paddle boarding are arranged to complement your Intensive. Clients may choose to bring a friend, family member, sober companion or other guest. The details are discussed with Rae and Judy via email or phone consultations prior to arriving on Maui.
Personal Accommodations
Maui offers a variety of choices and climates for accommodations.
Some prefer warmer sea level temperatures near the ocean. Many enjoy the convenience of resorts. Some families stay in private estates. Others prefer to stay Upcountry in a B&B or private cottage in cooler temperatures closer to Kula where Intensives take place.
Clients rent a car or hire a driver. The process of determining your lodging will be thoughtfully considered with Rae and Judy.
Private and Confidential
Since 2003, Maui Intensives, Inc. has been word-of-mouth only, serving people all over the world who seek this innovative approach for personal healing and transformation. Utmost attention is given to privacy and confidentiality. No contracts will be signed, no records will be kept. Your personal work will never be documented. Rae and Judy are consultants, not practicing as licensed clinical psychotherapists. Maui Intensives, Inc. is a boutique consulting company, not a licensed health facility or treatment center. As such, an Intensive is private pay only. The base fee for an Intensive on Maui is $15,000 per week. Kama'aina rates are available for Maui residents. Rae and Judy treat confidentiality and privacy with a profound respect.
“Their innovative approach accomplishes in a week what typical 50-minute sessions take years to address.
The people I have referred to Rae and Judy have experienced profound value, clarity, and healing.
I am so grateful that such a program exists.”